It concluded that neither genetic risk, the role of personal choices, nor the influence of environmental factors differentiated addiction in a manner that would warrant viewing it differently; neither did relapse rates, nor compliance with treatment. The authors outlined an agenda closely related to that put forward by Leshner, but with a more clinical focus. Their conclusion was that addiction should be insured, treated, and evaluated like other diseases. This paper, too, has been exceptionally influential by academic standards, as witnessed by its ~3000 citations to date. What may be less appreciated among scientists is that its impact in the real world of addiction treatment has remained more limited, with large numbers of patients still not receiving evidence-based treatments.

is addiction a disease or choice debate

The Nature of Addiction

is addiction a disease or choice debate

Over the last few decades, neuroscience, pharmacology and psychology have also focused on gaining a better understanding of the physical side of addiction. On March 14, 2016, they recognized the field of Addiction Medicine as an official medical sub-specialty. Additionally, evidence-based addiction treatment (including treatment types like detox, inpatient, and outpatient) have also been shown as capable of leading to positive health outcomes. Someone might try a drug or alcohol for the first time because they’re simply curious, or they’re influenced by peer pressure.

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He also notes that drug abuse is the only psychiatric disorder that has two Federal research institutes dedicated to it, namely the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) and the National Institute on Alcoholism and Alcohol Abuse (NIAAA). Blaming and punishing individuals with addiction is not effective and can be harmful. Addiction is a complex condition that is influenced by a variety of factors, including genetics, environment, and neurobiology.

The Disease Model of Addiction

is addiction a disease or choice debate

According to the neuroscientist Dr. Marc Lewis, this argument is largely based on the idea that when a person carries out an activity that they enjoy, it triggers pleasure in the brain and over time becomes a habitual act. Similar to how a person who wakes up at the same time most days for work, these processes easily become habit over time. Studies have revealed that obesity and eating disorders disrupt the brain’s normal response to food entering the stomach and decrease dopamine levels in the brain’s reward system. And the prefrontal cortex, the area of the brain responsible for rational decision-making, judgment, and control of behavior gets weakened, its connections to other parts of the brain pruned away. Habits are behavioral routines that are repeated so often they get wired into the brain as a matter of efficiency. The brain is always changing and adapting to experience—even now, as you read this.

  • Human neuroscience documents restoration of functioning after abstinence 40, 41 and reveals predictors of clinical success 42.
  • On the other side, people believe addiction is a result of poor choices – and those choices have created a state of dependency that could be easily broken.
  • Habits are a kind of mental shortcut, fast-tracking the neural connections involved in an activity so that you don’t need to consciously think out every step.
  • The fact is that the brain changes that are the hallmark of addiction are set in motion by the behaviors of substance-seeking coalescing into near-automatic habit.
  • Therapy can help individuals address the underlying issues that contribute to their addiction and develop healthy coping mechanisms.


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